Sunday, February 12, 2023

dental implants to improve your appearance & function in dental clinic thiruvalla

 1. Presentable appearance: Implants can serve as a base for a bridge, a single tooth, or a denture, making them appear more natural and realistic, regardless of whether they are for a full mouth or a single tooth. This is possible thanks to modern technology and a customized preparation that is fixed within the ridge. To receive individualized treatment, we recommend that you see the best implantologist.

2. makes oral health better: In contrast to fixed dental prostheses, dental implants do not cause damage to adjacent teeth. They don't hurt any other hard or soft tissues because they are anchored in the bone's ridge. thereby contributing to improved oral health and function.

3.  Facial appearance: The resorption of the jaw bone occurs when one or more teeth are lost. Implants, on the other hand, will prevent the ridge from resorbing, preserving the facial structures. In a nutshell, implants aid in maintaining the ridge height, thereby preventing facial features from deteriorating.

4. Implants are comfortable and last a lifetime. Because implants are permanent, just like natural teeth, there is no need to rush like removing and cleaning dentures every other day. This makes patients feel more at ease.

5. More enduring: It has been demonstrated that dental implants in Thiruvalla last longer than any other type of treatment. Oral implants can even last a lifetime for healthy patients who keep them in good condition. Implants are the best choice when compared to dentures, which, depending on how well they are maintained and the ridge profile, need to be replaced every five to eight years.

6. improves speech: People who wear dentures have a hard time speaking and feel awkward because they worry that the dentures will move or slip while they speak. Dental implants are an excellent choice for assisting with speech and avoiding such embarrassing situations.

7. enhances chewing: The best way to restore chewing function is with dental implants. You can eat anything and everything you want with implants, just like you could with your natural teeth. Without the risk of slipping like with dentures, patients can enjoy their food.

8. Easy to maintain: Maintenance of dental implants is simple and cost-effective once the procedure is finished. In addition to getting a dental checkup on a regular basis, a routine of brushing and flossing can be sufficient for general hygiene.

9. Versatile: The most adaptable treatment in thiruvalla is dental implants. Implants serve as the foundation for a single tooth, bridge, or complete denture. The dental surgeon adjusts the course of treatment based on the patient's condition.

10. High rate of success: Implants have an extremely high rate of success. Let's be clear about this: if the implant surgery is performed by the best dentists with the most experience in the field, it will be successful. We recommend that you go to the Dr. Pradeep dental Clinic in Thiruvalla because it has all the necessary equipment and skilled dentists.

Visit us at or call us at 094003 20984,083010 70984,085907 83837 if you are looking for the best dentist.

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