Sunday, February 12, 2023

dental implants to improve your appearance & function in dental clinic thiruvalla

 1. Presentable appearance: Implants can serve as a base for a bridge, a single tooth, or a denture, making them appear more natural and realistic, regardless of whether they are for a full mouth or a single tooth. This is possible thanks to modern technology and a customized preparation that is fixed within the ridge. To receive individualized treatment, we recommend that you see the best implantologist.

2. makes oral health better: In contrast to fixed dental prostheses, dental implants do not cause damage to adjacent teeth. They don't hurt any other hard or soft tissues because they are anchored in the bone's ridge. thereby contributing to improved oral health and function.

3.  Facial appearance: The resorption of the jaw bone occurs when one or more teeth are lost. Implants, on the other hand, will prevent the ridge from resorbing, preserving the facial structures. In a nutshell, implants aid in maintaining the ridge height, thereby preventing facial features from deteriorating.

4. Implants are comfortable and last a lifetime. Because implants are permanent, just like natural teeth, there is no need to rush like removing and cleaning dentures every other day. This makes patients feel more at ease.

5. More enduring: It has been demonstrated that dental implants in Thiruvalla last longer than any other type of treatment. Oral implants can even last a lifetime for healthy patients who keep them in good condition. Implants are the best choice when compared to dentures, which, depending on how well they are maintained and the ridge profile, need to be replaced every five to eight years.

6. improves speech: People who wear dentures have a hard time speaking and feel awkward because they worry that the dentures will move or slip while they speak. Dental implants are an excellent choice for assisting with speech and avoiding such embarrassing situations.

7. enhances chewing: The best way to restore chewing function is with dental implants. You can eat anything and everything you want with implants, just like you could with your natural teeth. Without the risk of slipping like with dentures, patients can enjoy their food.

8. Easy to maintain: Maintenance of dental implants is simple and cost-effective once the procedure is finished. In addition to getting a dental checkup on a regular basis, a routine of brushing and flossing can be sufficient for general hygiene.

9. Versatile: The most adaptable treatment in thiruvalla is dental implants. Implants serve as the foundation for a single tooth, bridge, or complete denture. The dental surgeon adjusts the course of treatment based on the patient's condition.

10. High rate of success: Implants have an extremely high rate of success. Let's be clear about this: if the implant surgery is performed by the best dentists with the most experience in the field, it will be successful. We recommend that you go to the Dr. Pradeep dental Clinic in Thiruvalla because it has all the necessary equipment and skilled dentists.

Visit us at or call us at 094003 20984,083010 70984,085907 83837 if you are looking for the best dentist.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Tooth Veneers in thiruvalla

Dental veneers may be something you've considered if you have an imperfect smile—just like celebrities do until they get help from a cosmetic dentist.

Having chipped or cracked teeth, teeth that are misaligned, too small or too big in comparison to the teeth next to them, or teeth that are too discolored to respond to standard whitening procedures are just a few of the many smile issues that can be addressed with these simple and popular options.

Dr. Pradeep can start your smile makeover with No-Prep Veneers, a new type of dental porcelain that are extremely strong but thin. A dentist must shave off a significant amount of the tooth's front with a regular veneer so that the veneer doesn't stick out and make the tooth appear artificially bulky. When you use the No-Prep option, only a small or no portion of the front of the tooth needs to be removed. This keeps the tooth's structure and strength intact and makes it less sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks.

How it Works 

The first step is a comprehensive dental exam to see which teeth show when you smile fully and which ones might benefit from veneers. Naturally, you want all of the teeth that show to be the same shade, so Dr. Pradeep would work with you to select a tooth that doesn't require veneers and is shade-matched to the teeth that are next to it. Alternately, you could whiten all of your teeth to a brighter shade and request that each veneer be made in the same shade (veneers themselves are stain-resistant and do not respond to whitening).

Making Temporary Veneers 

Dr. Pradeep will take impressions of the teeth that will have veneers put on them and use those molds to make a temporary version that patients can wear while the veneers are being made in the dental lab. The lab will proceed with the production of permanent versions if the temporary ones are satisfactory, which may take anywhere from two to four weeks, depending on the quantity required.

Placing the Veneers

When you return, the teeth that have veneers placed will be cleaned, the surface of each tooth will be brushed with cement, and a special light will be used to harden the attachment. That's all there is to it, so they can restore your smile in as little as a few weeks from start to finish.

Veneers can last for ten years or more if you take good care of all your teeth, making them very cost-effective.

Veneers are an excellent and long-lasting solution for teeth that are chipped, stained, worn, misaligned, or shaped in an irregular way. They are an excellent treatment for anyone who wants to have the best smile possible. Veneers can last for decades with proper care.

Follow these three suggestions to maintain the excellent condition of your veneers going forward. They will continue to appear brand-new!

Avoid Tooth Decay

 Despite the fact that your veneers are not susceptible to decay, a cavity or decayed tooth underneath can cause damage to the veneer. The tooth may no longer be able to support a new veneer after a cavity has been fixed. By brushing and taking care of your veneers, you can avoid tooth decay, which is why it's so important.

Ensure Gum Health

Prevent Gum Disease and Recess Gum disease can be avoided by taking good care of your teeth and gums. Your veneers will look different as a result of either of these things. Because porcelain ends at the gum line, if your gum tissue recedes, the veneer's edge will start to show.

After that, you may need to have the veneer replaced in its entirety. Be careful when brushing around your gums and make sure not to overbrush. The gum may become eroded as a result of this.

Schedule Regular Dental Exams

To get the best out of your veneers, it is essential that you make regular appointments for cleanings and exams with your dentist. This will help you keep your veneers in excellent condition to remain like they were the day they were put on. 

Having both your natural teeth and veneers examined regularly will ensure you are proactive rather than reactive when a problem shows. Our smile gallery shows the many patients who have been satisfied with good, consistent treatment. 

If you are looking for Tooth Veneers in thiruvalla call us 094003 20984,083010 70984,085907 83837 or visit website

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Get your Teeth whitening in Thiruvalla: Smile and Shine!

Tooth whitening is the cosmetic dentistry procedure for you if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and want a quick and simple solution to improve them without messing with their structure or placement.

Because it is so simple to have done at Dr Pradeep's Dental clinic, teeth whitening in Thiruvalla is our most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. Also, we provide options for tooth whitening procedures as per your needs.

Why Consulting the Dentist is the Best Place to Whiten Teeth

As a patient, one should be aware of the pros and cons of this treatment being done at home vs done in the office settings under a trained dentist. While at-home teeth whitening at Thiruvalla is less expensive than in-office whitening, the outcomes are considered superior. Also, continuing this comparison, the risks involved with using over-the-counter products are more than going through a proper professional teeth-whitening procedure.

  • Higher Concentration Solutions Used

Though the bleaching agent—hydrogen peroxide, is the base ingredient of teeth-whitening procedures whether they be at home or clinic, the important thing to be noted here is that this at-home concentration is less than around 3% to 20% peroxide, in-clinic setting, this concentration increases to a 15% to 43%, which is more potent. Therefore, it goes without saying that the procedure will be more effective and quicker at the dentist's clinic, owing to the higher concentrations of ingredients used for teeth whitening in Thiruvalla.

  • Rapid Outcomes In One Hour

In order to speed up the whitening process and heighten the results, dentists use heat or light along with high concentrations of peroxide. It can therefore give you a brighter smile in as little as one hour with professional teeth whitening. Whereas, at-home procedures don't produce noticeable results for weeks or even months.

  • A Smile That Lasts and Shines

The treatment oversight before and during treatment to ensure good results that you cannot get with at-home procedures is one of the most significant benefits of having your teeth whitening in Thiruvalla at Dr Pradeep's dental clinic.

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening, your dentist will look at your teeth. Bleaching won't work if your teeth are stained or discoloured due to visible restorations. Bleaching may be recommended for you by your dentist after a thorough dental examination. In doing so, any imperfect results can be avoided.

It is important that your dentist cleans your teeth and removes any plaque or tartar prior to applying the bleaching agent to maximize results. This is to ensure that the procedure is as painless as possible with the least amount of chances for tooth sensitivity and gum sensitivity post the procedure.

  • It Decreases the Chance of Tooth Damage and Sensitivity

The most common side effects of the teeth whitening in Thiruvalla are tooth sensitivity and gum sensitivity. If you leave the whitening gel on the teeth for too long, they will dry out and become sensitive. When you eat certain meals, the peroxide agent may irritate your gums and cause pain. The likelihood of the patient misusing at-home whitening equipment is substantially higher, which could result in sensitivity, pain, and less-than-desirable results. In contrast, the dental professional will protect your mouth, teeth, and gums at the dentist by prepping them before applying the bleaching solution. 

After all, dental professionals are trained to produce the greatest results while minimising risk to the teeth.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Infected Root canal: What To Do At a Dental Clinic Near Me?

 Root canal therapy often lasts a lifetime. However, some conditions can cause the treated tooth to become infected again. You can then experience symptoms reminiscent of those you had prior to the original root canal when this occurs. What causes re-infected root canals, and what can you do at a dental clinic near me if this occurs? This Blog is written by Dentists at Dr Pradeep's Dental clinic at Thiruvalla to assist you with these issues and many others.

Causes of a Re-infected Root Canal

It is not surprising that the need for repeated root canal therapy is caused by the same invasion of bacteria that led to the need for a root canal appointment in the first place. If the issue with the bacteria is not resolved, it will spread and expand, releasing acidic byproducts of its metabolism that will eat away at your tooth. People with this kind of severe infection risk losing their teeth if not treated.

But when you approach your endodontist, they prevent this bacterial invasion inside your tooth if you undergo root canal therapy at a dental clinic near me. They remove the infected pulp and seal the inside of the tooth. Finally, the tooth will be sealed off with either a filling or a crown.

Occasionally, bacteria can enter the tooth again in a number of ways, leading to new issues.

Reinfection Following The Last Root Canal Treatment

The majority of root canal procedures are effective. The internal architecture of a tooth, however, can occasionally be intricate and challenging to clean. In these minuscule, inaccessible places, bacteria might stay behind.

If you waited too long to get a permanent crown or filling placed over a treated tooth, another source of infection could develop. The tooth's crown gives it extra vigour to prevent cracking and the entry of pathogens. Bacteria could enter the tooth that has been temporarily filled if you put off getting the crown for too long at a dental clinic near me, leading to reinfection.

These re-infection-causing factors frequently occur only a few weeks following the initial surgery.

The Following Are Typical Signs You Might Experience:

  • Pressure on the tooth
  • Discomfort that returns to the tooth after the root canal surgery site has first healed
  • Persistent, dull pain
  • Localised gum inflammation or redness
  • Possible gum swelling resembling a pimple
  • Having a hard time chewing
  • Increased tooth sensitivity, especially to heat and cold

What to Do If You Believe Your Root Canal Is Re-infected

After receiving root canal therapy, you should speak with the endodontist at Dr Pradeep's dental clinic in Thiruvalla, who conducted the procedure or your dentist if you feel that the treated tooth has become re-infected.

Contact your dentist at a dental clinic near me if you notice a new issue with a tooth that has already received treatment. To find out if you need endodontic treatment, you might need x-rays.

Reach your nearest dentist in Thiruvalla Today!

Clear Aligners in Thiruvalla at low cost

Dental braces are a great way to improve your smile and protect your teeth from future damage, but they can be expensive and uncomfortable to wear. Clear aligners are a newer, less invasive and now cheaper option at Dr Pradeep's Dental Clinic in Thiruvalla that can give you the same benefits as traditional braces without all the hassle. So, you can consider the option of clear aligners in Thiruvalla.

What are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are a series of transparent trays worn to shift your teeth into their right positions, resulting in teeth that feel, look, and function properly. A series of Aligner trays are worn and switched out over 10 to 15 days to get the desired outcome. The number of trays and length of the treatment is determined by how severe the case is. Adults find it simpler to wear them at their jobs or meetings because they are translucent, invisible, and incredibly comfortable on the gums and teeth.

Clear aligners use a specially designed adhesive to hold your teeth in their desired alignment. This means you can wear them for longer periods without feeling uncomfortable or having to remove them every day. They also come in various colours and styles to suit your personal look, and clear aligners in Thiruvalla are generally more affordable than traditional braces.

Discuss your options with your dentist at Dr Pradeep's Dental clinic in Thiruvalla if you're considering using clear aligners to improve your smile. They can help you decide if clear aligners are right for you and provide you with more information about the various options available.

Care With Aligners 

Even if wearing clear aligners in Thiruvalla is the most pleasant option, some considerations must be made. Your orthodontist will provide you with a list of instructions that should be carefully followed, such as the following:

  • For best results, wear the aligners for at least 20 hours daily.
  • While eating, brushing, and flossing, take off your aligners. Never wear it, especially when ingesting hot foods.
  • Keep your braces tidy. Be sure to brush your aligners the same way you brush your teeth.
  • To prevent them from becoming filthy, keep them safe in the box that your orthodontist has provided.

Cost of Clear Aligners in Thiruvalla

Depending on the alignment of the teeth and other characteristics that a dentist can evaluate with a full mouth scan, the cost of invisible braces or clear aligner treatment may vary. The complexity of the case, the number of improvements needed, and the number of aligners utilised are just a few factors affecting treatment costs. Even though all of these elements are connected, one of the most crucial ones is the quantity of aligners needed for therapy.

If you're thinking about using clear aligners in Thiruvalla to improve your smile, be sure to discuss your options with your dentist at Dr Pradeep's Dental Clinic first. They can help you decide if clear aligners are right for you, and they can provide you with more information about the various options available.

Digital Transformation in Dentistry: How Your Dental Clinic in Thiruvalla is Embracing the Future

In the rapidly evolving world of healthcare, digital technology is revolutionizing how dental care is delivered. At Dr. Pradeep's Dental...