Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Taking Care of Your Child's smiles

 Every parent knows that taking care of your family's little can be a full-time job. Caring for small children includes many job duties, alongside the added responsibility of taking care of their budding teeth. Just as important as these daily tasks are the responsibility of taking care of your child's smile. But we let us tell you are not alone if you are unsure about the best ways to care for your children's teeth; many of our patients are, it is absolutely normal. Baby teeth require different care than adult teeth, and maintaining gum health in little children might be difficult in some cases. Fortunately, some simple techniques to care for your child's teeth will get them started on the path to the right steps towards dental hygiene in the long run.

If you want to know more in-depth about how to best care for your child's smile, visit Dr. Pradeep, the best dentist Thiruvalla, for expert advice on the subject.

How To Decide On The Right Toothpaste For You Child?

When choosing a children's toothpaste, keep the following aspects in mind:

Fun Tastes: 

Make brushing time a fun little activity for both of you. You and your child may have to try out a few different flavours of toothpaste before you discover one that your child enjoys, but taking the time to find one that they enjoy will help them brush more effectively. There are a variety of them available, including bubble gum, grape, strawberry, chocolate, and other fun fruit flavours.

Less Fluoride Content: 

Although fluoride is necessary for healthy and strong teeth, too much fluoride can be hazardous to youngsters. Many brands of fluoride-free or fluoride-reduced children's toothpaste are available, and these should be your first choices for your little ones.

Safe For Health:

Because children will swallow toothpaste while learning to clean their teeth, children's toothpaste is designed to be safe to consume. Before choosing a toothpaste, make sure it has this feature specified on the tube. If your child swallows too much adult toothpaste, they may become ill, but children's toothpaste is designed to avoid this problem.


  A Pea-Size only: 

The best dentist in Thiruvalla suggests using a modest amount of toothpaste on your child's toothbrush can help your child manage the amount of fluid in their mouth while also preventing excess toothpaste from being consumed. Anyone who has ever assisted a child in brushing their teeth knows that it may be a messy procedure at first, so using toothpaste in small amounts at the start can keep off the mess and is a good idea overall.

If you need assistance with the brushing procedure, the orthodontic staff at Dr. Pradeep's the best dentist thiruvalla may assist you and your child by guiding and demonstrating proper brushing techniques.

When Should the Child Move On To Adult Toothpaste?

When children can dependably spit out most of the toothpaste after brushing, we recommend that they switch to adult fluoride toothpaste. For many youngsters, this occurs between the ages of 4-6. However, you should still use a pea-sized amount at this time in case they are still swallowing any of the toothpaste while brushing.

Must Read5 tips for choosing the best dental clinic in Thiruvalla

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